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The ternary material power lithium ion battery industrialization project will be built

The ternary material power lithium ion battery industrialization project will be built

On the morning of September 4th, 2011, China Automotive Technology and Research Center held a press conference of “Ternary Materials Power Lithium Ion Battery Industrialization Project” during the “2011 China Automotive Industry Development (TEDA) International Forum”.
Hebei strengthens battery pollution prevention and control

Hebei strengthens battery pollution prevention and control

为进一步加强重金属污染防治工作,河北省提出将重点实施五大工程。  公布企业信息接受社会监督  河北省不断加大对铅蓄电池企业的排查和监管力度,近日公布了对全省105家铅蓄电池生产、组装及回收(再生铅)企业的摸底情况。其中,只有15家达标企业处于生产状态。其余企业除一家正在建设外,均因清洁生产情况等环保指标不达标而停产、停产整顿或是被取缔关闭。  “为了加强涉铅等重金属污染防治,河北省把铅蓄电池企业的
The United States invented bioenergy batteries, such as thin sheets of paper, which can be used to generate electricity.

The United States invented bioenergy batteries, such as thin sheets of paper, which can be used to generate electricity.

Recently, scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute announced that they have developed a "body fluid battery" that can generate electricity from electrolytes in body fluids.